Movie Stills 1980-1995
In the eighties and nineties I worked on some twenty or so film productions as a publicity stills photographer. Shooting stills on the sets of (for the most part) made-for-TV dramas was the only commercial work that I ever found to be at all satisfying. It also provided me with an important source of income for, without the money I earned as a stillsman, I would have struggled to fund my documentary work, particularly the Suburbia project.
The stills selected here were commissioned by film directors Tony Palmer, Christine Edzard and Ken Russell.
Only a sampling of prints from these projects is included in my archive at the Bodleian because, at the time when the documentary work was accessioned, my film stills had yet to be catalogued, a job which remains a work-in-progress. As I write they are stacked in boxes on high shelves in the place that was once my darkroom.